For a recent article, I had to write five things I was grateful for coming out of the pandemic. I thought I’d share:
You now appreciate the little things. Things that you took for granted, like going out to dinner with a friend or childcare, now feel like treats.
You are developing better time management habits. You are being forced to focus more and be more ruthless with saying, ‘No.’ Once you have more time and childcare, you can keep up these habits to have even more impact.
Remote work has been normalized. Many companies have embraced flexible work, which will last beyond the immediate crisis, opening up many opportunities -- from being able to work from anywhere to more time at home with your family to decreased commutes.
You are being forced to slow down. I was going a mile a minute before COVID and have appreciated the time to enjoy things like long hikes or Lego building with my kids.
Your kids are learning to be independent. My 7-year-old now makes her own lunch. My 5-year-old taught himself how to swim. They are gaining confidence and skills from having to do more fending for themselves during the day.
What’s on your list? (Please send me it!)

What’s on your list? (Please send me it!)