During the week, I need my meals to be on the table in under 15-minutes to prevent hangry kids.
Here are my go-to carb side dishes that take 10-minutes or less to make:
Frozen corn: Microwave it for a few minutes and top with salt, butter, or even cojita cheese
Fresh pasta: Cooks in half the time as dried
Couscous: Boil water, take off the head, dump in the couscous, and put the lid on it for 5-minutes. Easy.
Frozen peas: Microwave for a few minutes. Get fancy by topping with lemon zest and Parmesan.
Microwave brown rice: Only takes 90-seconds
Soba noodles: Cook in under 5 minutes and can be served cold for leftovers the next day
What are your favorite easy sides? I'm always looking for new ideas!
