Nothing is worse than lying in bed unable to sleep at 2 AM Sunday night because you are dreading the week ahead. You are not alone -- 76% of Americans experience the Sunday Scaries. Here are some tips to make this Sunday a little brighter:
Do something for future you. Instead of just running out of the office this afternoon, spend 20 minutes planning for the week ahead. That way you can be more on autopilot on Monday AM.
Don't overload with chores. Try to do more of your chores during the week or tonight, so they don't build up for Sunday afternoon.
Make Sunday special. Plan a regular activity to look forward to on Sunday afternoon or night, such as a family dinner or hang out with good friends. Re-associate Sundays with fun, not dread.
Ease into Monday. Take the scenic route to work. Treat yourself to your favorite latte. Wear a fave outfit. Spend at least 10 minutes of 'me-time' before even opening your computer.
Stack the deck. Try to start your week off with your favorite work activity. Whatever you do, don't put off reconciling the budget for first thing Monday AM.
Journal. Carry a small journal to write down any anxious thoughts that arise during the day. Then close the book. Just getting them out of your head will help.
Of course, you should also address the root cause -- do you need to make a job change?
You want to be excited to leave for the office each morning and energized to come home each evening. Life (especially with kids) is too short to be dreading your week ahead. Do some soul searching this week -- at the very least TGIF!