What's Your 18 for 2018?
For me, the start of a new year is a time to reflect - both on the past 12 months and on the year ahead. Over the next few days, I'll go over some ways I like to approach being intentional as we go into 2018.
First, I'm participating in Gretchen Rubin's 18 for 2018. It's a simple list of 18 things you want to do in the coming year. Big, small, fun, challenging...you chose your poison. Just ask yourself, "What could I do in 2018 that would make me happier?"
Here's mine:
Go for a weekend away with Joe without the kids
Build an inspiration board above my desk
Do an elimination diet to retest my reactions with foods
Visit my great aunt in England with the kids
Get our backyard fixed up for entertaining
Cook the Nomad's chicken recipe
Celebrate half birthdays for the kids
Launch my business!
Switch from weekly to monthly check-ins with my nutrition coach
Finish my garage home gym
Get a minor health issue fixed
Find a music festival to go with Joe
Start a Mastermind with other female entrepreneurs
Work from our shore house for a week over the summer
Go on a solo adventure with each kid once a month
Start hosting epic dinner parties
Read more magazines for fun
Plan a weekend away with my sister (hopefully more than one!)
I'm printing mine out and putting it somewhere I see every day. Would love to see yours!
