Parkinson's Law states that work will expand to the time we give it. A key to being more efficient? Give yourself less time. Just think about it -- I bet you get twice as much done now, as a mom, than pre-kids.
I use timers to limit my time spent on things to give myself more time for what I really care about.
With the kids. If Chloe's room is trashed, I'll set a 5-minute timer for her and me to do a sprint cleaning session. Amazingly, we always get it done and have fun in the process.
To prevent hours of mindless research. My tendency is a questioner, so I get sucked into black holes of research on everything from learning platforms to sippy cups. So, I set a time limit on how long a decision warrants.
To align my time with my priorities. Hell, I even use timers to write these emails. The goal - under 20 minutes each. That way I stay focused on building the rest of my coaching business.
What are your time sucks? Start budgeting time for each and stick with it. Your timer is #timemanagement
