The point of Uplift is to reframe having kids as a time not to take a step back in your career but as a chance to rethink your life. That's why I love this quote from Shauna Niequist's Present Over Perfect:
"Every new season of life is an invitation to leave behind the things of the season before: the trappings and traps that have long expired right for then and no longer right for now. Whatever passage you are facing has the potential to be your sea change - to leave behind what's not essential and travel deeply into the heard of things."
Each of my kids jump-started substantial life improvements for me. With Chloe, I jumped headfirst into a new career direction, moving from marketing to product management. Every workday was an adventure, leading to the most personal growth of my career. With Rowan, I transformed my mindset and health -- losing 45 pounds, giving away half my belongings and adopting happy habits, like meditation and gratitude.
Do you know what you want your life to look like? Your entire life is changing with the introduction of kids. Be intentional and start creating the one you want.
