With now working two full-time jobs, I’ve turned housework into a family affair. Here are some ideas that are working this week:
Straighten at the end of each day. Before dinner, our kids watch a TV show, but before they can, they need to clean their rooms and play spaces. That way, every day starts afresh.
Find simple recipes they can make. My four year old just made family breakfast by himself (a simple french toast casserole). Chloe made pizza from scratch (including the dough). Find a few forgiving recipes that they can master to do double duty of entertaining and feeding them.
Act like cleaning is a game. This, at least, has been working so far. My kids wiped down every surface in my kitchen after I told them it was a race. Mopping was 30-minutes of entertainment. Frame it as fun.
How do you involve your kids in housework? Share your ideas!
