Many of us will be gearing up for long drives this week, so I wanted to share some top tips for surviving long car rides with young kids.
Leave really early (or late) to avoid some of the traffic.
Use audiobooks to keep the whole family entertained. I genuinely loved Matilda recently.
Don’t be afraid of boredom. It encourages kids (and you) to use their imagination.
Reframe it. This is quality time with your kids. Tell stories, play ‘I spy’ or ask them questions you’ve always wanted to. Switching your mindset makes a huge difference.
Buy a paper map and show kids the route you are doing. Handing over the map is a great answer to ‘Are we there yet?’
Bring crafts. Wikki Sticks or mess free markers will distract for hours.
Use technology. I give up any rules around screen time for travel days. My kids love it, and I use the quiet time to take a nap or catch up with friends on the phone.
Pump. If you are breastfeeding, pump while you are driving, so you can feed bottles on the go versus having long feeding stops. I did cluster pumping to get up my supply.
What are your favorite road trip hacks?
