Now that it’s winter, my go-to entertainment of nature isn’t as reliable. The good news? So many stores offer free kid entertainment. Here is a round-up of our favorites:
Home depot has a monthly craft project that involves nailing and real wood on the first Saturday of every month. Make sure to register in advance
Lowes offers monthly building classes, usually, on the second Saturday of every month.
Michaels offers almost free craft classes almost every weekend.
Disney holds drawing classes for favorite characters every Saturday at 3pm. (3 and up)
Pottery Barn Kids has monthly crafting events. This month’s is on Saturday January 18, but call your store for details.
Lakeshore Learning has cool craft projects from 11am to 3pm every weekend, including making dancing robots and balloon-powered cars.. (3 and up)
Also, checkout your local coffee shops, libraries, and museums.
Happy entertaining!
