As someone who works from home, it's easy for work to bleed over into family time. To help me set boundaries, I rely on a daily post-work transition ritual: Put my coffee maker away, clean off my desk, and write down my three priorities for tomorrow. If I'm feeling ultra-ambitious, I even sneak in a few minutes of meditation.
These help me close the chapter on my workday, so I can be more present at home. Here are some ideas to steal from if you want to craft yours.
Create your ta-da list for the day
Clean your desk
Set your priorities for the next day
Write all your concerns for the day and close the notebook
Change into relaxing clothes when you get home
Listen to a favorite podcast on your commute
Do 1-minute of deep breathing
Put away your phone in a drawer
Turn off email notifications
Hide your work bag and computer when you get home
Get off the train a stop early to let you walk and decompress
Today, let's start with one. What is one thing you can do to help mark the end of your workday?
Share your favorite post-work rituals! I'd love to keep building this list!