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Micro-self Care

Sometimes self-care can feel like yet another task on your to-do list -- usually found at the bottom. But, ultimately self-care is about...

Put Your Kids to Work

Add a new crew to your delegation list -- your kids. My youngest, Rowan (2.5 years old) assembles his lunches, gets himself dressed,...

Meal Prep Power Hour

One of my favorite gifts for Future Kari, is spending an hour each weekend meal prepping for the week. It simplifies my weeknights,...

Get it on

Where does sex fall on your priority list?  Over half of millennial parents say it's at the bottom on busy days (and seriously, what days...

Let Them Do it Their Way

My top tip for new moms: Don't micro-manage your partner. We've all done it -- you see them struggling with something you've done dozens...

Start Small

Completely overwhelmed by yesterday's call to overhaul your entire calendar? Don't be. Your goal shouldn't be perfection, but...

Reclaim Your Time

How did your last week of meetings look? People on average spend 31 hours per month in unproductive meetings. THAT is the difference...

Create Space

One thing I'm working on is trying to create more space in all areas of my life. Fun becomes less so when you are rushing from one social...

Tonight: Disconnect

Too often as moms, we end up working split shifts -- leaving at 5 pm to pick up the kids and hopping back on after they go to bed. How...

Define Your Boundaries

I used to have no boundaries. I was traveling every other week from Monday to Friday. When I was home, I was a mess -- waking up in the...

Guilt is a choice

The best piece of advice I received when pregnant: 'Guilt is a choice.' It rewrote the script in my head and put me in control. Feeling a...

Death by Meetings

Ok, today we're getting down to brass tacks. Very few things upset me more than poorly run meetings. Each wasted hour means time away...

Permission to Suck

I'll let you in on some little secrets: I don't read the news. My kids' socks don't match. I have been lying to my kids' classmates' to...

Own Your Awesome

This Amy Schumer video is too true. Only 22% of compliments given from one woman to another are accepted. Most of the time, we...

Do You Know Your Number

We all have one. The number of hours per week we can work before something slips -- our happiness, health or productivity. Knowing it is...

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