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Don't Prep the Night Before

Time management expert, Laura Vanderkam, gave a controversial tip on her new podcast, Before Breakfast—don’t prep the night before. Her...

Ask for Bullets

I love any tip to prevent or improve meetings. They are such a suck of our most valuable asset—time. Today is simple. Before meeting with...

Order of Operations

The number one thing moms want is more time. Here is my favorite analogy around time from Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly...

Be Alone with Your Thoughts

Inspired by Cal Newport’s new book, Digital Minimalism, I’m seven days into a 30-day digital detox of no podcasts, social media or blogs....

A Simple Question to Save Time

In this week's spending to save series, we've been showing how you can spend more money to save you time, buying you happiness. Today's ...

My 6 Favorite Time Saving Software

As a mom of two and a founder of a busy start-up, I throw money at software that saves me time. Here are some of my faves: Docsend ...

What's the Total Cost?

I am a sucker for a good deal. I mean, I am the rare breed who loves going to Costco. But, today I'm throwing this out the window. My...

You Can Buy Happiness

Ashley Williams, a professor at Harvard Business School, has studied over 100,000 people to understand the relationship between...

Ask For More Time

Deadlines have been identified as the most common cause of work stress (with 30% of folks citing it). Not only that, it decreases...

How to Save 5 Minutes Every Morning

My big household project this year is to find everything a home. I've decluttered before but never finished this step, which is vital...

My Magical Morning

I'm a morning person and how I start the first 30 minutes of my workday drastically affects my productivity. I thought a peek into my...

Create a 15-Minute List

Today's tip comes from Gini Dietrich, CEO of PR firm, Arment Dietrich: Make a list of everything you can do in 15-minutes or less. Then...

What if I only had 15 minutes?

Today I attempted to both parent and work at the same time -- always a recipe for disaster for me. I just needed to do 90 minutes more of...

Build In a Buffer

I'm perpetually late. Even worse, I completely stress out about this often. So, I've been trying a trick from Greg McKeown's...

Banning Busy

I'm a huge fan of Laura Vanderkam, who studies how professionals use and perceive their time.  In her new book, Off the Clock, (out on...

Start Timing Yourself

Parkinson's Law states that work will expand to the time we give it. A key to being more efficient? Give yourself less time.  Just think...

Know Your Peak Hours

One of my working mom super-moves is finishing all of my real work before the day even begins. I am an early bird and love waking up at 5...

Start Small

Completely overwhelmed by yesterday's call to overhaul your entire calendar? Don't be. Your goal shouldn't be perfection, but...

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