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The Power of Reframe

As anyone with kids knows all too well, you cannot control the world around you. (And, you will go crazy if you try.) But, you can...

F*ck Yeah

At Google, I ran a daily team meeting tackling the onslaught of issues arising during a critical pre-launch period.  It was depressing....

Embrace Your Monk

In my coaching, I love analogies that help you tap into values you want to tune up in your life. The one that’s made the biggest impact...

We All Have Bad Days

I hate to admit this, but I have sat, crying on my bathroom floor asking myself why I became a mom.  I was exhausted, stretched too thin...

What Would Make Today Great?

I'm a strong believer in the power of intentions. You are more likely to have the life you want, when you reflect on what that is and how...

The SOS Checklist

So, yesterday I had a horrible day.  Had frustrating experiences with co-workers that felt all-consuming.  I felt stuck in a bad mental...

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