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Why It's So Hard

Recently I was talking to another founder about why starting a company is so hard. She said, "You are just doing everything for the...

Are You Willing to do the Work?

Recently, I’ve been struggling with the fact that I’ve gained 15 pounds since I became a founder. I am so proud of my fitness and feel...

Put Your Hand on Your Heart

Recently a tiny action has made a massive difference in my self-talk. When I feel worn down or hard on myself, I place my hand on the...

Your Self-Love Languages

I recently had an epiphany about self-love—the best way to show yourself love is to play into your dominant love languages. Mine are...


I know I can be my own worst enemy. I’ve said things to myself that I would never say to my worst enemy. Chances are you have, too. You...

Pat Yourself on the Back

Recently, I had a conversation with one of our coaches that choked me up. I had just shared all of our content with her, and she was...

How to Feel Better with a Simple Click

Oh, Instagram—I both love and hate you. Being a working mom is messy, hard, and doesn't really fit into a beautifully composed square....

Why Dads Are Happier Than Moms

It often seems like dads are happier than moms, but I'm still shocked to see a report analyzing over 18,000 people prove it. “Fathers ...

Be Your Own Inspiration

Over the past year, I have gained 15 pounds. I suffered from the stress of starting a new company, back issues preventing workouts, and...

What's Your Theme for 2019?

I'm a huge fan of giving each year a theme. Mine last year was "root cause", which helped me focus on solving issues versus treating ...

Take a Mental Health Day

Over the past two weeks, I've been battling burnout. I've worked hard this past year to learn my personal signs. I feel tired, but more...

Go ahead, Suck at Meditation

Even though I've done hundreds of hours, I still suck at meditation. The amount of progress I make on my to-do list during them is...

Stop Giving a F*ck

I love this quote and wish I could figure out who coined it—What others think of you is none of your business. Too often, we get sucked...

Doggone It, People Like Me

I love Halcyon Program Coordinator, Mike Malloy's daily habit. Every time he looks in the mirror, he tells himself something positive....

Streaking Rowan on the Loose

For me, the hardest part about being a working mom by far is parenting, especially discipline. This week I took the kids to the beach...

It's Not All or Nothing

On Tuesday, Chloe's school went on a blueberry picking field trip. I signed up to volunteer - excited to spend the morning with her. On...

Break the Chain

The past two weeks had me slipping into some old bad habits. During Chloe's sickness, I caught up with late night working sessions. I was...

Don't Look Back

I battle with emotional eating -- especially out of stress or boredom. One night after Chloe's health scare, I found myself gorging on...

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