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How to gain perspective

When you stuck in a decision, get yourself out of the weeds of your day to day with two simple questions:  What would my 20-year-older...

What are your bright spots?

So often when getting feedback, we look for our ‘blind spots’—what am I bad at that I don’t realize? But just as important (if not more)...

Get it done. Do it right.

Recently I heard Joe Payne, the CEO of Code42, speak about a simple framework for evaluating performance: Get it done. Do it right....

Stop Being So Helpful

Research shows that "workers who spend more time on non-promotable tasks are held back from demonstrating their full potential.”...

I'm Stuck with My Feelings

Week 2 of my 30-day digital detox is done. I've been far from perfect, slipping into a few old habits when I was sick earlier this...

One Line a Day

At Uplift, we think a lot about how to show progress. I'm always asking—what's our before and after picture (like you'd have in a weight...

Are You Really Driving?

My kids love the shopping carts that are part toy-car. They turn that steering wheel when I go round a corner and tell me how much fun...

Which Brings out the Best in You?

--Ok, so you're facing a tough decision—both options seem equally fraught and excellent. You've exhausted the pros and cons lists and...

Take a Before Picture

Today's tip is simple. When you set out on a new goal, take a before picture. Yes, for some tasks this is easy. You can photo your messy...

Talk to Yourself

I've recently started a new habit that could certify me as crazy. Instead of listening to the radio or a podcast on my commute to work,...

Don't Follow Your Passion

Recently Adam Grant had a great podcast on the dangers of following your passion at work. What do you do if you don't know what your...

Are You an Integrator or an Isolator

What struck me most when I interviewed over 125 working moms at the top of their field was that there was no one way to 'mom.' Each had...

How I Shut Myself Up

One of my worst habits is interrupting. I get so excited that I want to jump in at the expense of thoroughly soaking in the opinions of...

Make a Daily Date with Yourself

Most mornings I try to meditate. Yes, it's good to clear my mind, but the most significant benefit for me is just taking the few...

What Would You Do for Free?

Lately, I've been having lots of conversations with near-40-year-old friends not knowing what they wanted to be when they grow up. In...

Here's My Bad Idea

The Skimm podcast with Alexa von Tobel, the founder of Learnvest is a must-listen. She literally sold her company the same week she...

A Different Type of New Year's Party

Happy New Years! I'm a huge fan of early January being a great time to reflect on the past year and goal setting for the new one....

How are You Different Now?

I love the New Year. It gives me an excuse to reflect on my life. And, I love the optimism of a clean slate for the year to come....

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