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Have a Deload Week

I powerlift, and a key best practice is to have a ‘deload week’ every 6 weeks or so. On that week, you cut your weight and reps by 40% or...

Spend Two-Hours Outside

Spending time in nature is now considered medicine. Seriously. Doctors have started prescribing time outdoors to improve health, and...

Healthy Travel Part 2

Yesterday, I gave tips on how to eat healthy on vacation. Today are ones on acting healthy. Be active Walk. A lot. Walk whenever you...

Workout-Life Integration

When we moved to D.C., we built a home gym in our basement. It’s been life-changing. Not only does it mean that I can save at least...

Expand Your Definition of Progress

So often, I’ve only looked at progress in my nutrition as the results—the number on the scale or changing body composition. But this...

Control What You Can Control

As a mom of young kids, the amount of sleep I get is somewhat out of my control. Once they outgrew the infant...

Are You in Danger?

I've realized that stress is what is holding me back most in life. The pressure prevents me from sleeping, which affects my...

Take Baby steps

One of the most significant shifts, when I moved from NYC to DC, was my decrease in walking. Driving all the time has cut my steps in...

Find a Friend

Today we are joined on our Instagram stories by Leah Wiseman Fink, the Founder of Classes At, which offers local parenting classes in...

Stop Trying Harder

I love this quote from Adam Robinson from the Tim Ferris podcast: “If you’re not getting the results you want, change what you’re doing.”...

How to Lose Weight without Sacrificing

Today, we are going to focus on you. First off, you are beautiful and have a great butt. Give yourself a little wink next time you pass a...

3-ingredient ice cream

I frankly don't know how to parent without the threat of 'no dessert.' So, in the quest to clean up our family's diet, I knew I needed...

Just Make It Work

This morning I wrote a week's worth of tips for these newsletters on healthy eating for your kids. So many moms struggle with this, so I...

That Time of the Month

Holy shit. I just got my period. For most of you, that’s NBD. However, I haven’t had one in almost four years. Mine never came back after...

The Magic of Un-pairing

After I had Rowan, I lost 45 pounds, down 25 from pre-pregnancy, by adopting dozens of little rules in my life that led to good habits....

Calm Body, Calm Mind

Our body and mind feed off each other. When I’m stressed, cortisol skyrockets, making my chest, neck and back tense up. It’s my body’s...

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