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A Simple Tip For Better Sex

I recently met a sex coach at a conference and asked for her top tip to improve sex for a married couple. Her answer was shockingly...

Stab to the Heart, Praise to the Back

Last week I heard Everfi founder, Tom Davidson, speak. My favorite advice of his—stab to the heart; praise to the back. Stab to the...

Cultivate Weak Ties

I get it. You’re busy. Who has time for small-chat with the barista as you rush off to work? But it’s worth it. Those few minutes of...

Have the Hard Discussion

My newfound travel schedule is stressful for my family. My kids seem OK. I am making a point of being fully there when I am with them....

Girl Power

I just landed after three days in the woods with 100 incredible women at the Chairman Mom Flee. The highlight? Ten CEOs and investors...

Make Your Own Magic

The genesis of our trip to Europe was a visit with my 93-year-old Aunt Shelia, who is a nun and a talented artist. She's lived a...

Make Someone's Day in a Minute

I find Facebook during birthdays to be completely overwhelming. I don't love attention or superficial small talk, and somehow the deluge...

Re-Think Date Night

Joe and I go on date night every week. It's a non-negotiable. When we've skipped one, I feel it, forgetting that we talk about topics...

Be a Slingshot

Recently, I heard a new favorite analogy for great relationships: Be a slingshot. Serve as your partner’s support and cradle, so that...

Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too

The creativity of the moms I interview inspires me daily. My recent favorite mom super-move: schedule standing conference calls with your...

Build Team You

Becoming a parent is the most significant identity shift I ever experienced. It’s not about fitting a baby into your life, but...

Double Down on Your Network

As a working mom, it's easy to let networking fall to the bottom (and honestly, off) your to-do list. It's so much easier to do tangible...

But, How Do I Actually Get It On

It's so ironic that kids can be so great at crippling the very act that got them here. Here's to hoping that today isn't the only day...

Get it on

Where does sex fall on your priority list?  Over half of millennial parents say it's at the bottom on busy days (and seriously, what days...

Turn Up Your Sacred Moments

Too often as parents our relationships over-index on the secular: taking care of the kids, managing the household, and paying the bills....

Show the Right Kind of Love

It's cliche, but nothing makes me feel more loved than Joe pitching in on the childcare and housework. These acts mean more to me than...

Let Them Do it Their Way

My top tip for new moms: Don't micro-manage your partner. We've all done it -- you see them struggling with something you've done dozens...

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