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Check-in with your team (and yourself)

For me, the past few weeks have felt like years. Each day brings a new set of challenges and emotions. I know I’m not the only one. Here...

How do I become less reactive?

This week’s reader question is common. I start every day with good intentions, but then fire drill after fire drills happen. How do I...

How do I get promoted?

This week’s reader question is familiar: How do I make sure I’m setting myself up for promotion? Here are some tips: Be proactive. Let...

How to be your own work valentine

Flowers, chocolates, singing telegrams... some Valentine’s Day delights are just sweeter (and less weird) when they come from somebody...

Create a Safeword

My team is wicked smart and incredibly hard-working, so when something isn’t working, it’s not them, it’s the process. Yet, recently I...

How to Crush it as a Working Mom

59% of working moms of young kids do 30-minutes or less of professional development per month. Get ahead of the pack this month by...

5 Things You are Probably Missing

In developing Uplift, I’ve surveyed and interviewed well over one thousand working moms and talked to countless business leaders trying...

My First Podcast!

I’m a total podcast junkie. Working out, cleaning, driving, I rarely don't have one on. So, I was psyched when I had my first podcast...

Embody your best self

Recently, I’ve been having some important meetings where I need to impress. A new trick has been helping me nail these conversations. I...

Assume Positive Intent

I recently came across the best piece of advice that former Pepsi CEO and badass working mom, Indra Nooyi ever received: My father was an...

What are your bright spots?

So often when getting feedback, we look for our ‘blind spots’—what am I bad at that I don’t realize? But just as important (if not more)...

Get it done. Do it right.

Recently I heard Joe Payne, the CEO of Code42, speak about a simple framework for evaluating performance: Get it done. Do it right....

Do It Your Way

When my kids get sick at school, I’m not the one they call. After never getting through to me on the first try since I’m in meetings all...

What’s Your Entrance Song?

Last week I participated in the MassChallenge startup awards. It was a fun, action-packed night, punctuated by pump-you-up entrance music...

Stop Being So Helpful

Research shows that "workers who spend more time on non-promotable tasks are held back from demonstrating their full potential.”...

It’s Ok to be a Rockstar

Kim Scott makes an essential distinction in her book Radical Candor between Superstars and Rockstars. Superstars are gunning for the next...

Double-Check Your Work

Of course, it’s the days that I’m the most stressed and time-crunched when I forget my phone at home or send that email to the utterly...

Stab to the Heart, Praise to the Back

Last week I heard Everfi founder, Tom Davidson, speak. My favorite advice of his—stab to the heart; praise to the back. Stab to the...

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