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Stab to the Heart, Praise to the Back

Last week I heard Everfi founder, Tom Davidson, speak. My favorite advice of his—stab to the heart; praise to the back. Stab to the...

Do a Question Burst

I can be in my head too much when struggling with a gnarly problem. The issue is my quality of thinking goes down as the thoughts just...

Choose to be Happy

Last weekend I was a mess. I had just kicked off my Seed round of fundraising for my company, and had bought into the idea that ...

Empathy Mapping

Have a big conversation that you are nervous about with your boss or partner? Try empathy mapping. Basically, you put yourself in the...

Ask for Bullets

I love any tip to prevent or improve meetings. They are such a suck of our most valuable asset—time. Today is simple. Before meeting with...

Write a Page

I’ve recently taken up a new habit that I’m obsessed with—journalling to start my day. It forces me to be intentional and reflect on my...

I'm Stuck with My Feelings

Week 2 of my 30-day digital detox is done. I've been far from perfect, slipping into a few old habits when I was sick earlier this...

Order of Operations

The number one thing moms want is more time. Here is my favorite analogy around time from Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly...

Be Alone with Your Thoughts

Inspired by Cal Newport’s new book, Digital Minimalism, I’m seven days into a 30-day digital detox of no podcasts, social media or blogs....

Be a Multi-trick Pony

In Carter Cast's book, The Right (and Wrong) Stuff, he lays out 5 archetypes for why people fail. The most common for women? The one...

Make Eye Connection

Last week, I heard Allison Shapira talk about her new book on public speaking, Speak with Impact. Even though I do public speaking quite...

10,000 Ways that Don't Work

I recently stumbled across a quote from Thomas Edison—"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." As a mom of a...

Do a Digital Detox

Inspired by Cal Newport's new book, Digital Minimalism, I'm doing a 30-day digital detox. I've found myself tightly wound recently and...

Are You in Danger?

I've realized that stress is what is holding me back most in life. The pressure prevents me from sleeping, which affects my...

Own Your Mistakes

I just saw Carter Cast, the former CEO of and author of The Right (and Wrong) Stuff, speak. He spent years researching why...

Hold Some Back

Recently, I sat down with a friend that is super regimented—I mean, ex-military regimented. We were joking about how that affects his...

Pat Yourself on the Back

Recently, I had a conversation with one of our coaches that choked me up. I had just shared all of our content with her, and she was...

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